You know that you need a weight loss coach when:
1. You need to lose weight
Anyone who needs to lose weight will benefit from working with a weight loss coach.
2. You need to lose weight but you don't want to have to attend group sessions and get weighed.
Some people work better when they are in a group situation but there are many who do not want to have to go along to their local slimming club and endure the indignity of having a group weigh in. With a weight loss coach you can work on a one-to-one basis which not only means that your session is completely confidential but also that your particular needs will be met and you won't get lost in the crowd.
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3. You are unsure of which diets will work
A weight loss coach should be an expert in nutrition and able to advise you on the type of foods to eat and be knowledgeable about the numerous good and bad/fad diets that are being marketed.
4. You are unsure of how much you should eat to lose weight
As an expert in nutrition for weight loss and maintenance your coach will be able to advise you on the quantity of each type of food that you need to eat with each meal in order to lose weight. The coach will know how much is too much and how too little will impede weight loss.
5. You are unsure of what led you to being overweight
A good weight loss coach will also be an expert in the psychology of obesity and will be able to help you discover what in your past has helped you to become overweight and what is currently keeping you overweight.
6. You are unsure if you can stay motivated to lose weight
Your weight loss expert, being a coach, will be able to motivate you effectively so that you are able to lose weight and maintain that loss as well as empower you to motivate yourself.
7. You feel that you need one to one help and guidance
Losing weight can be difficult, and it is good to know that you have support and expert guidance in what you are doing. This can give you the confidence and help that you need to be successful.
8. You know that you eat emotionally and you need help to solve it
For many of us the reason that we eat is linked with our emotions, usually the difference between someone who feels that they don't eat emotionally is just the extent to which it has become a problem. The coach will be an expert in helping you to recognise your emotional eating as well as able to offer you practical advice and techniques to help overcome it.
9. You want to be able to recognise why you eat the way you do
Many of us recognise that we have faulty eating habits but are not sure why. A coach will be able to help you to discover why you eat the way that you do and so help to solve the problems.
In short, choosing weight loss coaching is an expert and knowledgeable motivator, sponsor of change, guide, teacher, and mentor who can help set you on the path to real success.
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